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The GOD Paradox

For as long as humanity has huddled around fires or worshipped in grand cathedrals, we’ve been wrestling with some colossal questions about the nature of God, the role of Jesus, the perplexities of evil, and everything in between.

Now We Know Why We Have No Alien Contact

For decades—perhaps centuries—humanity has been haunted by the same silent riddle: If the universe is so big, and life seems so inevitable, then why haven’t we made contact with anyone out there? In science circles, they call this the Fermi Paradox. In everyday conversation, it’s the “Are we alone?” question.

Now We Know Why God Allows Evil

For ages—across every culture, every era—people have wrestled with one relentless question: If God is loving, if God is all-powerful, why does evil persist? The question itself looms larger than life: it peppers our philosophical debates, fuels our doubts, and can even shake the strongest faith.

We Finally Understand Who Satan Is and What He Did

For as long as we’ve told stories, one figure has loomed in the background, half-myth and half-menace: Satan. Is he merely a symbol for evil impulses? A fallen angel with a personal vendetta against God? A shadowy cosmic force that plagues human history? Plenty of theories, half-explanations, and wild guesses have filled libraries over the centuries—but no single answer ever felt complete.

We finally know the Meaning of Life

It’s the question that bubbles up when we’re restless at night, gazing at the stars: Why are we here? What’s the point of it all? Philosophers have wrestled with it for centuries, spiritual leaders have offered partial guidance, and pop culture has poked fun at it in a thousand ways. Yet for all that effort, most of us still carry this persistent ache: Do we actually know the meaning of life? For so long, the best we could do was guess.

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